So without Brewery’s there would be no Beer….obvious! so my aim is to go find out about all my local Brewery’s and micro brewery’s and see how these craftsmen get the vision, taste, and process for getting that pint or bottle in a pub or in your hand.

The southwest has some of the best homegrown and natural ingredients which can produce amazing taste results to make each brewer “beer” taste individual and special to that craftsperson.

These Brewery’s range from the back of a garage to fully integrated industrial sites capable of producing thousands of gallons of colorful ranges of well “BEER”.

My journey in this is to remind me not only why I like Beer but to understand the passions that go behind the doors of the Brewery and the heroes that produce it.

For an everyday trip that I and the “Family” take we will be looking at finding the hidden gem of the area sampling it and writing about it but also we are looking at finding those special beers from the whole of the “Union” and overseas.

I hope you can join us in our Beer expedition discovering Where, Why & How and finally Taste this drink which as a nation we craft so well.