As I have written in a previous post, the other week it was my birthday, along with the family fun we had and going out on a night to the local spoons, our besties sent me a present.

Knowing me so well over 20 years with my love of pubs, beer and good times as they live in the big smoke (London to those not used to the term) they sent me a little reminder of our fun back in the day and a cracking little treat which ticked off 2 of the boxes.

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This pack is a great present if you have a friend with a spicey pallet! Meat and Heat The pig of doom now on offer (14th Jan 2020) £14.99

I returned home from work to find a package from the snaffling pig company, I opened with great anticipation, after reading the Birthday card (well wouldn’t you first) and finding out it was from the Besties I removed the packaging to find (well you can guess due to the company name but I still had the excitement) 2 x bottles of light blond beer and 2 x packets of my kind of caviar, my kind of truffles, yes pure and decent no-frills, touch of salt pinch of pepper Pork scratchings.

My love of pork scratchings goes back to the days my Dad took me for a cycle ride down the Thames and the even rarer times he stopped us for a pint, as Dad was not a big drinker but when the sun was shining and his thoughts of work were for Monday morning he would lovingly not buy me a coke but get me a cheeky ½ of cider which meant for a 13-year-old Dad was God and whilst I sat on the bank with my legs hanging over the side of the towpath and the sun twinkling on the water and warming my face Dad would appear with a packet of nuts and a packet of pork scratchings (and the golden fizzy liquid)  It brings back fun times.

Fast forward to when I could drink in pubs (legally or not) I always loved pork scratchings (also Chilli Macoys with dry roasted peanuts mixed in) and the tradition was born but not all pub sold them so it was always special to find a pub with not just commercial pork scratchings but real scratchings and the Snaffling Pig Co is a reminder of the real thing. Of the Beer, well it was cool (it had been left outside in the box on a cold day) refreshing with a citrus taste which blended beautifully with the scratchings, now in truth, I like darker ales to porters and stay away from the real flowery fruity beers but the colour was a pure gold and the taste welcoming

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What could be better than double-cooked salted Crackling and apple sauce

now on offer £14.99 (14/01/20)