When our Besties (yes a bit of a girly term but it’s the right one to use as in this day and age men really have started to get at one with their feminine side) come over we always have a laugh, from the Trago Santa train which we have now introduced to them all! or just a walk in the park, we have fun.

It is very rare can we get them all in a room together so we have “bestie” weekends throughout the year to keep the kids wanting more and the competition of who is the best Aunty or Uncle.

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Well as one “besties” leaves from a weekend of fun the next set of besties arrive bringing yet more presents for all to enjoy (ok for the kids but!), all gifts are thoughtfully chosen and this year a spicy treat from our one and only ford Capri Loving Essex boy and family.

A well-packaged cracking Christmas present of 3 bottles of Chilly infused beer from the Staffordshire brewery, mild, medium and Hot! so when I asked the wife to join me in a taste test she appeared with the bottle poured already into 2 glasses (funny how she read my mind!).

All 3 are fantastic beers and the I found the natural taste of the mild a taste of the past, of a traditional tasting beer, a session beer like a Timothy Taylor landlord from the hand pump, it was fantastic and then… a warm spicy glow fulls your mouth like the slow-building end to the Fleetwood Mac “The Chain” (the Formula 1 music for those who don’t know).

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Now whilst both our mouths were tingling with the mild we carried on to the medium Pow! Smash! Sizzle! Well, I would have thought that this was hot and I had to check a couple of times as my mouth was burning as I had just had a freshly made 5 chili balti from an Indian in Birmingham, but if this was the medium what was hot like…

Ok so when it came to the hot first it was fine, no real bother (probably because my mouth was still sizzling from the medium) and then the taste, a smooth beer with a golden glow and then cracking afterburn like Tom Cruise flying his F16 over the control tower in Top Gun, the flavor is immense but the taste complements the depth of the chili which lingers on the back of the mouth to remind you that you just drank something special.

The only 2 problems we had with these beers were 1. we ran out 2. we lost the Hot bottle so couldn’t take a picture of it.

What a great gift and beautifully crafted beer.