So lock-down life is slowly turning to a new norm and the world is now a slightly different place.

For the period that we had lock-down the streets were empty, the roads were quiet and the motorways fell silent (apart from the delivery drivers and emergency services)

For me stuck in the house with the 4 children was challenging but with homeschooling and a daily cleaning routine we have grown togeather as a family (and only a couple of arguments and a few temper tantrums)

Whilst I became a teacher and keep fit expert for the children (and I would have been scared of my OFSTED report) The fine villagers of Beer created artworks to keep them busy.

So for the local Artists of Beer (again the Village not the drink) the paintings of their time spent in lockdown have been collected together to produce a Lockdown Art Exhibition.

If you happen to be about in Devon between 18th to 26 July 2020 and are near Beer pop down and see their work, it’s also free entry so please show your support.

It will be held in the Bomb Shelter off Fore St, besides Jimmy Green Marine and open 10.AM – 6.PM