So my question this morning is Why can’t the kids get up! All weekend up early, Mummy & I all week struggle to get the little monsters out of bed, then (like every other parent) we get them to school, whilst holding down full-time jobs (not using any after school clubs just working odd hours and of course Super Gran) take to clubs (lucky for us only rugby for now)shop, clean & tidy cook and have to do 4 sets of children’s homework (which I must say I’m getting good marks this year although there is always the one family who have to outdo everyone on the school homework making there little Git look like he has the skills of Leonardo da bloody Vinci ) then try and fit in time for each other and plan for the weekend which at this time of the year is family & friends, so why every Monday the whole street has the sound of parents screaming at there loved ones to get out of bed.
If I said “kids tomorrow we are going to Crealy (it’s a theme park near us, not Disney or Thorp park but it does the job for a day out) I bet all 4 would be by the front door dressed and ready to go at 6 am instead we have Tibbius who is always up at stupid O’clock bouncing around the house but that’s it, the other 3 are like koala’s not moving an inch, happy tucked up in there duvets until Evil Daddy or Scary morning Mummy have to kick there backsides to get them out of bed.
The next hour is then spent with lots of shouting to get them into school uniform and fed before the clock strikes twenty past eight knowing that you have aloud 10 minutes for squash who has the habit of get up and sitting on the playmat with just his pants on and play with his toy cars until the rocket of your foot connects with his favorite car and it goes flying down the stairs just missing mummy’s head and a plant pot she happened to be carrying.
Its manic and you lose count on how many times you say the same thing like “can you put your shoes on please, can you put your shoes on please, can you just put your bloody shoes on!” and then the sarcastic answer “you don’t have to shout!” finally out the door on route with on last roll call “bags, PE kit, lunch, water bottle “no I did not give you coke” homework, jacket, jumper, shoes ASBO!!!where are your shoes!!!”
schools out for winter
The Nativity Police – Dont Be A Wasted Dad
[…] School morning antics […]