Christmas is here (ok coming fast) and what’s our family present..bloody covid. Yes, that squatter of a virus decided finally to attack my family.

We have missed it, dodged it, and bypassed it but last Thursday it arrived in all its splendor, not a knock at the door but a full-on Boucher push to the front and blow up all on the way approach…and then 7 days later thank you for your hospitality and I’m off now (like your best mate from school who vanished after going to university) and slams the door shut like a teenager.

Covid is a ghost of a virus, it pronounces its arrival and then just goes leaving a hurricane of damage in your body.

First, there were the sweats, the hot and cold temperature changing then the banging headache (which lasted for 4 days), all my joints hurt so much I could not move out of bed and sleep, well I had none due to that pain, finally, when it gets to your lungs it punches you hard giving you no energy.

I’m not a sick person in fact I have only been ill due to vaccinations mainly the flu jab which kindly the first time gave me pleurisy and the second time I got pneumonia so for me my choice is now not to take the flu jab, so going for the AstraZeneca vaccine I was more scared of what it would do to me other than Covid anyhow I got double jabbed and hoped that it would protect me from the global virus.

It all started the last Thursday when squash called me from school worried because he felt so ill, I downed my work duties and rushed to pick him up.

syringes with medication on yellow surface
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

He felt tired and sick so we got out the trusty LFT and waited to see the result, positive… great so for the 3rd time in a week I rush down the local testing center (due to primary school phobia of covid and forgetting children get coughs in the winter my two youngest were sent home with suspected covid and we had to get tested) and we did the deed and waited for the result of the PCR test.

Positive.. great so that’s a 12-year-old enprisoned in his room for 10 days or till further notice on Mum & Dad’s discretion, he did not take it well and a plan was put into action.

I missed work on Friday due to the lateness of my PCR and that I now had to speak to track and (bloody pain in the ass) trace every 5 minutes due to Squash being under 18 and the 100 and 1 questions they ask you about your movements in the past week (so I apologise to the population of Exeter if you got pinged as we did a shopping trip to our wonderful local city the Sunday before).

On Sunday Gin got a call from T&T again, but this time they told us we all had to self isolate as Squash MAY have the new “OmniCon” variant which was completely different from the government information, we were told outright that we were not allowed to leave the house even if we had a negative LFT, so very angry I took an LFT just to prove I was clear.

This was at 2 pm and it was positive, I could not believe it, so for the 4th time, I rushed down to the test center and did another PCR test then got home cracked open a beer, and forgot about it.

It was about 8 pm and I suddenly felt my body change it felt like something entered my body and then slowly moved around it and for once it wasn’t my glass of wine making me feel like this, it was like being drunk but more sinister.

I went to bed around 10 pm as I felt so rough and then the virus did its worse, the sweats started but I was so cold, then my head started to ake and finally, my joints started to ake covid was here and inside me.

At 6 am I got the text confirming I had the virus but, to be honest, I knew I had it because of how I felt and I had to ring in work and then the fun with track & trace again.

In this whole experience, I have had many emotions but mainly anger to track and trace, this because if we had continued to live our lives whilst keeping Squash safe and not following their incorrect guidance Tibbius and ASBO would probably not got it too, yes we now had 4 of us in isolation, it’s been tough but somehow Gin and tiddly have escaped it, probably as the wife moved in with our daughter and we only spoke through face masks and disinfected every time we used the bathroom and washed clothing on a high temperature.

So do I find track and trace a waste of time and money…yes and the system kept cutting out which didn’t help then for some reason they sent us 6 PCR home kits? do I think the vaccine has helped me to stay home and not get hospitalised? possibly but not totally convinced so do I want to rush out and get boostered…No because having the time to watch listen and learn about this virus from MP’s the experts and scientists and the media and the skeptics how many more boosters will we have to have and how much money are these pharmaceutical companies going to make (and what money from this is lying the worlds political powers pockets)whilst that money could be going on other medical research.

This experience for our family is coming to an end but watching the news will it ever end?

vaccine text and a person wearing latex glove while holding a syringe on pink background
Photo by Thirdman on