Covid-19, School, Covid-19, school, covid-19, bugger 1/2 term has gone already. Back to school, the Government said, yes it’s now safe finally, it seems like an age since the lockdown started. In that time I have learned that I am no teacher (well to my kids) we started with one old laptop, and 3 old kindles to do the schooling, for months I worked with this ( plus the school packs) to try and give my family education.

By the end of this lockdown we now have a new laptop and 2 new tablets, 6 T.V.’s all with streaming sticks and we gave in to Squash and got him phone.

Like the rest of the country we sat watching the news (or listening if you were still stuck on the wireless) for our PM to announce The breaking news…you could here the cheer screaming out from every parent in the land, I’m still surprised that the invasion beacons were not lit up in celebration, Covid is now safe for children and that our loved ones were going back to school…

The cheering stopped when it was relised that only year 6 going back, so more of a clap for two days a week schooling but it was a start, roll on September.

September arrived, Ya-Ya but then I started to feel sorry for our teachers, its bad enough teaching our children in a normal world but Covid?, Daily updates on how the school is being Covid safe, one way systems, extra wash stations, no doing this and no doing that, no mixing in the playground and stay in your bloody bubble!, but I laugh as soon as the children are out of school its a mass frenzy of parents and kids running around the streets.

looking for a cheap great scientific calculator for secondary school click the link for this amazing bundle. (This post has an affiliate link, for more information see my disclosure page) Not only the calculator with a clock but a geometry set and case too!

Now I don’t want to upset the schools, I’m just looking like an outsider, before Covid we could go into the playground, go to our child’s kick outdoor, stand, wave and go, we spoke to who we wanted to but just went (unless you are one of those pain in the ass parents who had to speak cod shit to the teacher every day, thus making your child late out). Now we find ourselves queuing out the front of the school in different areas (because of social distancing) now this is causing mass bottlenecks of parents (so no space to social distance) all trying to pick up, one of our gates is down a small lane so to add to the fun the odd car comes up to squash us more like sardines in a tin.

Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

The first few days were chaotic but with the teachers working their backsides off it started to get better and then the foundation children started, 90 more children and parents blocking the pathway and due to our children’s ages we have two drop off / pick up points, sadly either end of the site, so now after letting 2 go we have to fight the pavement to get to the other side, dodging 5 year-olds crying and buggies taking up the path, then the car drop-offs (the teachers have it bad enough but why do some parents think it’s ok to kick their children out the car at the gates? and hold up the already busy and tight road) and the lorry and buses driving past. The days of walking in one gate and sailing through the playground to the classrooms are over.

This is not the school’s fault, they are just trying to work with the rules the Government has brought in, I see other schools trying to do the same, each has the same problems, lots of children and parents and general traffic meeting at the same time whilst negotiating the different entrance’s.

looking for a cheap great scientific calculator for secondary school click the link for this amazing bundle. (This post has an affiliate link, for more information see my disclosure page) Not only the calculator with a clock but a geometry set and case too!

Our eldest is now in a secondary school which like all parents its a shock, our little squash is now part of one of the biggest schools in Europe. So to add to the primary school dash at the home time there are a further 2,500ish extra children descending on the same junction as the 2 primary schools all trying to buy sweets from a couple of sweet shops on the way home. Again the schools are doing there best, the headteacher and his top team have been out marshaling the routes home and helping the small businesses control the behavior and mass of people, all this extra work but its to keep us all safe, not just from Mr & Mrs. Covid but from getting run over by the traffic.

If there is one thing I have learned from the pandemic is that if Covid doesn’t get you there is a high chance of getting knocked down by the mass of traffic of people, cars, lorries vans buses, and bikes scooters, motorcycles, and skateboards but once home and you have locked the door you are back in control of your safe zone.

To all the teaching staff keep going and I thank you for all your work keeping our children safe.

(The Featured image – Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels)