To keep this short, and to the point, we are a family that promotes Christian values to our children, we want then to grow up having fun and waking up each day with the challenges life throughs at them, but respecting the world around them and that we are all different but we can all work togeather to create a better world.

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Now for the past couple of years, we have been crap at sticking new years resolutions but most importantly to Lent, I mean, how hard is it to go 5 weeks without something?.

We looked at the kids and said: “what do you want to give up?” silence, then the new answer to questions in our house “err what”, “what would you like to give up, for Lent” Cars, magazines, toys clothes, and McDonald’s were the answers, the kids didn’t get the point, and McDonald’s for us is a Birthday treat not an everyday thing like in some families.

So mummy said, Pizza it is then! (now that’s only a frozen pizza once a week, on a Friday, form the supermarket, total cost about £3 for pizza and a bag of frozen chips) The gates of Hell opened and screams of all the soals lost to the devil descended in the car, ASBO crying out for mercy to not take his pizza away, Tiddley crying that she would stop eating chocolate in return for the pizza (but forgot that we know she don’t like chocolate! so not a winning case).

Tibbius and Squash just tried to argue the point that it was against there human rights to take there pizza way and that it was causing stress and discomfort, as the thought of changing the Friday night menu meant changing the routine…

Well, as always Mummy won the augment as she pays the bills! but the Evil question came from Squash, “If we have to give up pizza then what are you two giving up?.

Mummy said “Alcohol …” to my horror “What!?” I said (As this discussion was in the car and I was driving, so without doing an emergency stop I calmly asked if we could discuss this proposal later)

Yes, the kids were right, and we too had to give something up, Now after an hour of walking around Aldi getting our weekly shop with the monsters causing havoc, even Mummy said “ok I need a drink…Red Wine then?”, as I picked up a lovely Bourdoux bottle Mummy said, “No… Give up red wine”.

When I woke up from the shock, ground rules were put in.

We would not drink red wine or have any extra beer in the house unless it was for reviews, and we could drink what’s left of the spirits (which totaled 1/2 a bottle of Gin and a 1/4 of the Jura I had found the other day).

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So for the next 5 weeks, White wine is on the menu!!