Our mates from across the river Exe at Christmas had pre-warned us about there special Christmas gifts for our monsters, “Nerf guns”!
we waited with anticipation as we had let the poor children to wait till around 6 o’clock to open the presents.
Before you think “what horrible parents!” we had taken them all out to the wonderfully tacky but somehow perfect Trago mills (a massive castle-themed shop which sells just about everything! in Devon on the A38 towards Plymouth from Exeter) Santa train.
The Santa train is open two weeks of the year and is run on the Bickington railway which was built in 1988 and FYI has an operating gauge of 260mm or 10 1/4 inches and is basically the Trago park and ride the rest of the year or just a fun trip for the kids.
I have added the link here as it’s worth the experience
After feeding the monsters (and I now count all the children as due to the lashings of pop and full tummies of garlic bread and homemade lasagna) we finally let them into the front room for the charge of 6 Tasmanian devils taring up wrapping paper creating a multi-colored snow effect all over the floor.
To try and keep some order we had a bin bag at the ready and challenged the kids to throw balls of paper into the bag but the screams of Nerf joy put a stop to this.
Within seconds of the guns being unwrapped nerf bullets were flying around the house as the kids, somehow divided into teams and the battles commenced.
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Great fun for all ages Nerf Elite disruptor
Up and down the stairs, in the kitchen, the back room, and front room, bedrooms 1,2,3,4 bathroom & toilets nowhere was safe, trying to drink a beer with your mate and having to dodge bullets became a skill, red wine glasses froze on the table with boxes surrounding them for safety and then a scream of pain!!! ASOB came running in holding his eye, he had been shot innocently but it had caught the corner of his eye, after a quick check, the magic sponge and counting the fingers on my hand correctly he was back in the game.
At this point, our friends told us that they had ordered soft bullets but hard ones had turned up, Tiddly also had decided that enough was enough and took full advantage of mummy sitting on the sofa to snuggle up.
So with the spare gun as the kids ran through the rooms I would pick each one off with a shot to the bum without them knowing it was me, quite satisfying knowing you can get them back humanly for all the hart breaks they give you.
Sadly the fun had to stop when our lovely neighbor timidly knocked at the door around 9 o’clock asking if the kids could tone it down a bit as her mates 2-year-old was trying to sleep and the banging going up and down the stairs was keeping him up (not to mention the screaming as well)
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Great fun for all ages Nerf Elite disruptor
This did make me laugh as it brought back the memories of the last time I had been asked to tone it down a bit.
Scary but back in 1999! I had bought my brothers flat (I liked it, but at the time really too lazy to look for another flat) and on the second weekend I had had a flat warming party, to make it fair for the neighbors I had letter dropped my intentions explaining what I was doing and they were welcome to come and join in.
One neighbor had obviously had a bad day and demanded I turn the music off and stop the party, ok it was about 1 am in the morning but due to his attitude and that I knew I had a high ranking off duty police offer who lived on the top floor in the flat the party continued! and I never spoke to him again.
It is funny how having a family can bring back memories from your past, silly things that you store away that suddenly remind you that you were young once and did dive in the mud, create yellow snow and run naked down the street (or was the last one just me?)