On our yearly pilgrimage (this time boxing day) in the Christmas 2 weeks, we as a family (thanks to our besties) go to the panto!.
A 2 hour sarcastic, rude, saucy, sexy take-off of the classic stories and this year we had Jack and the bean stork played by the panto king Stephen Earp, some bloke who played Ashley in Corrie a couple of pretty stage school inturns, 3 dances who could double as James bond credit dancers and a bunch of the local kiddy dance troop who needed a Royal Marine colour Sargent to get them dancing in time.
Although the show very funny and to a packed local crowed our act of kindness started on the way to the show.
Halfway across the main road (on a pelican crossing) Grandma shouted: ” there’s a phone on the road” Pardon “we shouted back as now on the other side as the Greenman (or person) started flashing, “there’s a phone on the road” at this point grandma oblivious the oncoming vehicles finally jumped out the way and once the road was clear she recovered the phone.
It was cracked and not in a good state with no battery life but as we were late to the show we rushed off.
We discussed dropping the phone to the police or to a phone shop in the morning but we felt if we could get some charge maybe we could get the phone back to its owner, after about 20 minutes of charging and luckily as the kids were sleeping and grandma at home the phone rang and I answered.
“Hello” slightly nervy I answered “hi” the reply even more nervous young woman’s voice, “I am not the owner of this phone and I hope you can help me track them down?” I said, “who is this ” came the reply again I repeated, not giving my name just in case of any problems, “thank you, your very kind, can I meet you tonight pick up?” “yes, that’s fine outside the cinema ?” it was starting to sound like a blind date so at this point we both decided G should come along as well as I didn’t want to seem threatening and scare the young girl off.
After a couple more calls we arrived at the cinema, joking G said I should have been holding a red rose so she could recognize me, we sat waiting in the dark of the bus shelter with a very little lady to the other end, to try and make it obvious I held the phone out in my hand, suddenly the phone rang and we noticed the little lady on the phone, she turned towards us and I showed her the ringing phone.
“wow thank you, your so kind looking after it” she was very happy to see the phone and we found out it was her phone she had lent to a mate who and vanished earlier and she was trying to find him but hadn’t turned up.
We handed over the phone and explained where the phone was found, our boxing day kindness had made someone very happy although I would not want to be in the boy’s trousers when she got hold of him!